Your Personal Cybersecurity Consultant

Security in layers

I know many folks who believe they're secure just by doing one thing: not clicking on random links. 

While that is great, unfortunately it's not enough.

Threat actors, or hackers, are getting more sophisticated in their attacks. With AI being accessible to just about everyone, they have impressive tools to assist with their many schemes.

It's not a matter of if an attack will happen- it's when it happens, will you be ready? This is why it's extremely important to layer our security. We need to make it harder. 

If the threat actor manages to get through the first layer, we have several layers from them to go through. This creates a delay which gives us the opportunity to act accordingly.

As cyber security threats continue to grow, don't feel hopeless. There are many actions you can take today to help you become more secure.

Save and share these tips with your family and friends.

A Quick Lesson About Malware

As cybercrime grows, it's important to understand what malware is. In this short video, I give a brief overview of what malware is, the popular types of malware, signs your device is infected and while it's impossible to protect yourself 100% against these threats, I include simple tips you can use to help avoid malware.